Welcome to RemiCraft™ Bedrock Realm

Join our Telegram Group to apply for membership

This is a private Realm and it is 100% legit Vanilla Survival

Think of this world like regular Single Player, only with other people that help each other out and make everything more fun.
We are looking for committed and conscientious Members, who act maturely and are willing to contribute and to play the game with us.

We expect you to know the game well and that you don't just idle / AFK or being useless. Important: You can earn all your Achievements here, since we are a Legit Survival Realm!

If you are not sure then don't join!

You have to respect the houses and the PROPERTY of all other players. If you steal or abuse public resources, you are out! We expect you to be cooperative f.e. to go to sleep immediately, when the other players want to skip the night.

© 2024 - RemiCraft™